Go 4 zero

Go 4 zero

Yesterday was another show in Russian parliament, when former soviet astonaut Tereshkova proposed to allow Putin to go to another election after 2024. There was not a huge surprise that current regime would do everything to stay in power.

Software for Bootstrap

Software for Bootstrap

Just after PHP course on Udemy I’ve started to learn Bootstrap. That’s a nice set of tools for quick web page creation. You can use ready  classes for html elements, make cool navigation bars and even use javascript functions for simple actions. After playing with css manually I can assure you that Bootstrap is extremely […]

Win-win desicion

Win-win desicion

At a first glance Navalny loose presidential campaign at the very beginning: Central Election Committee refused to register him due to his felony sentence. At the same time for Kremlin it could look like the signs of fear that Navalny will defeat Putin during the campaign.

PHP Course

PHP Course

Well, I’ve just finished PHP course from Udemy.com and I could tell you it was interesting. This very blog, in fact is a  result of the course, so I have some skills now. Of course, it’s not my first time dealing with php. I have already created fully functioned site, so there were no any breakthrough ideas for […]

Pre-election fun

Pre-election fun

I can tell you that I love Stephen Sackur, an interviewer form the BBC. In his program he is asking his guests so uncomfortable questions in so straightforward way, that there is little room for them to escape from answering them. In one of his latest program he invited Ksenia Sobchak to talk about her […]

Nudge Yourself

Nudge Yourself

I wrote couple days ago about  Nudge book I have read.. The main idea that people are full of flaws and they need help. It could be government assistance (like imposing taxes on harmful substances, or even banning them). Or it could be a society help. Good example of the last one is web site Stickk.com. As a […]



People are making really bad decisions are talking to us Rhichard Thaler, the Nobel prize winner of this year in economy. Not all decisions, but taken without thought or in area we have little experience in or in case of postponed feedback from our actions. Las one is simple. If you need money for retirement […]

Trash or comfort?

Trash or comfort?

Greenpeace Russia launched a campaign to convince  largest retailer reduced number of plastic bags used for selling products. Their goal is to replace disposable bags and products packaging with reusable alternatives. Well, I’m  not happy at all to take a metal flack to supermarket to buy some milk. Or to take fruits in my own fabric bag. […]

Bolsheviks’ revolution centennial

Bolsheviks’ revolution centennial

The perception of the events happened hundred years ago in St Petersburg, Russia, changed several times in Russia. During the Soviet times it was an imminent victory of communism, next stage of society development after capitalism.  After USSR collapse, Russian authorities considered revolution as a huge disaster for entire nation. Current government is now willing […]

Daylight savings time

Daylight savings time

In Europe today is the end of daylight saving time. They are moving clocks one hour backward and will enjoy a long night’s sleep. There are a lot of pros and cons in the world around this topic. Historians tell us that author of this clock-changing idea, then US ambassador in French, Ben Franklin made […]