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Yesterday was another show in Russian parliament, when former soviet astonaut Tereshkova proposed to allow Putin to go to another election after 2024. There was not a huge surprise that current regime would do everything to stay in power.

I’m just curuious why there were no one among 450 PMs to raise the question if we really need reshape constutitution for Mr. Putin. Of course, everyone there are carefully chosen by president’s administration, but they have different roles there and supposed to argue with each other.

Nontheless, bill passed the Parliament yestarday and have been approved today by Senate. At last, all this bizzare activity around constitution ammendments became clear. They didn’t really want to state the role of God in the document or underline that marriage is a union between man and woman, but just have a pretext to wipe Putin’s terms

There was a professor Kosov on a third course in university. He read lectures on Strength of materials, and he was really old. In the late of his seventies he saw, heard and walked very badly and his lectures was disastrous. We heard many stories how brilliant he was some times ago, but it was clear, that he should been gone long, long before. As a result, he died in the middle of the course and left very little knowledge in our heads.

So, it’s a hard but very important to go in time, and let other people to evolve your ideas. Unfortunately, it’s not the case in Russian politics.

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