Tag: society

7 posts have been filed under this tag.

Bautzner Str. Memorial

After the WWII eastern part of Germany was under Soviet occupation. After Nazi regime collapsed, new vision for the country was required and Stalin decided that another copy of Soviet system would do well and began to build totalitarian system. And what a dictator you are without political prisons?

Fear of information

There were two events on the week that linked together. The first one was interview by russian showman Oskar Kuchera on YouTube channel VDud. During the interview he expressed several times the support of war and Putin’s actions.


As a last cutrual place in Astana I visited Republic Museum. And I could say that the most of exposition is dull and useless. Museum has a very poor navigation and doesn’t tell the story. However, the part about Soviet period and Art sections really impressed me.


Anderes Breivik in Norvey killed 69 people and have assess to DVD games, got in prison his second degree and lives in a three-cells camera. And he still complaining that he has got tepid coffee, and chained from time to time in handcuffs.

Pre-election fun

I can tell you that I love Stephen Sackur, an interviewer form the BBC. In his program he is asking his guests so uncomfortable questions in so straightforward way, that there is little room for them to escape from answering them. In one of his latest program he invited Ksenia Sobchak to talk about her […]

Daylight savings time

In Europe today is the end of daylight saving time. They are moving clocks one hour backward and will enjoy a long night’s sleep. There are a lot of pros and cons in the world around this topic. Historians tell us that author of this clock-changing idea, then US ambassador in French, Ben Franklin made […]

Make some noise

The most controversial film of the last time in Russia appears today in cinema theaters. It’s about the relationship between the last Russian monarch Nikolay II and ballet dancer Matilda Kshesinskaya. Many historians say that there is no strong evidence that Nikolay’s’ romantic feelings bring him so far as it is shown and the film […]