Bones analysis

Bones analysis

The topic I’d really liked on passed MSC conference was about simulation of loads in human bones. The issue here is relating to different properties  of natural materials in distinguished directions and in various parts of the item. For example, tooth consist of extremely strong enamel and tough dentine. First is good for routine chewing activity due […]

MSC conference

MSC conference

Yesterday I took part in the 20th annual conference of MSC Software. This company was formed in the US in 1963. Their goal was to develop a program for finite element analysis. To make a long story short, this method allows engineers to split the complex tasks into small pieces that could be analyzed using […]

Make some noise

Make some noise

The most controversial film of the last time in Russia appears today in cinema theaters. It’s about the relationship between the last Russian monarch Nikolay II and ballet dancer Matilda Kshesinskaya. Many historians say that there is no strong evidence that Nikolay’s’ romantic feelings bring him so far as it is shown and the film […]

Path mapping

Path mapping

My way from home to railway station goes through the square surrounded by tall buildings.  For a long time, people crossed it by the muddy paths.  And I was very upset to see my shoes after each time I chose the road. But this Fall city authorities laid the bricks on the paths all around […]



The second season of the most interesting (IMHO) channel in Russian YouTube vDud is over.  I’ve seen everything and the following text is my observations. In comparison with the first season, there were more popular guests and sometimes it hurts the show due to the huge experience of media persons in avoiding hard questions.

Heat lovers

Heat lovers

During my first busyness trip to the US, I was really surprised how people there are walking in winter in T-shirts along the streets.  I tried to convince myself that there were just short walks from car to home or office, but that was not only just about Americans outside. In hotel suite and the […]

Food and Money. Big Money

Food and Money. Big Money

I was surprised another day to hear from my wife that cholesterol in eggs is a pretty healthy thing according to a recent study. Actually, such studies appear every year, but before turning to the recent one, let’s go to the history of the relationship between science and the food industry.

Про бег

Про бег

В прошлое воскресенье открыл сезон на Московском полумарафоне с временем 1.41. Видно что организаторы забега работают над ошибками и с каждым разом у них получается все лучше и лучше. Ну а сегодня сделал уже полноценную пробежку в Вашингтоне (который штат). Тут попадаются потрясающе красивые тропинки, где никто ни то что не бегает, но даже не […]