Greenpeace Russia launched a campaign to convince largest retailer reduced number of plastic bags used for selling products. Their goal is to replace disposable bags and products packaging with reusable alternatives.
Well, I’m not happy at all to take a metal flack to supermarket to buy some milk. Or to take fruits in my own fabric bag. If you ever have a chance to move your purchases in paper bags, you know that they are not convenient or reliable at all.
From the other hand I live near the most horrible dump in Moscow Region that covers several square kilometers and has up to ten meters height. The disgusting smell from it spreads far from dump and land under it spoiled for hundreds years. Sooner or later we need to admit that we produce too much waist and need somehow to change our behavior. We could not send our trash to space in a rocket or to burn all of it. The only sustainable solution is to recycle waist and to slash it production.
Even in the US, country that still have doubts about global heating and dribe enormous cars, use separate containers for different kind of trash to recycle as much as possible. And we need to follow western world and start care about environment.