Well, I’ve just finished PHP course from Udemy.com and I could tell you it was interesting. This very blog, in fact is a result of the course, so I have some skills now.
Of course, it’s not my first time dealing with php. I have already created fully functioned site, so there were no any breakthrough ideas for me. However I learned how to organize data by using include files, functions and so on.
I learned how to work with site on local computer and how to find errors in a moment. And maybe the most important I learned how to protect site from malicious activities. There was no chance for me to just google it. But now I understand the sources of threat and the ways how to escape from hackers traps.
After this course, I’m very interesting in JavaScript learning because I also need to fully understand how it works. and in CSS learning. My current knowledge in design can cause tears even in the eyes of the most kind person. I definitely need to improve appearance of my projects.