I’ve finished another course of Data Science specialisation: Interference and Modeling. And it was rather hard, because it is based upon all previouse courses. And I was forced several times to go back to refresh my memory. I’m almost in the middle of the way, now.
Category: Education
10 posts have been filed under this category.
Hardware fun
I published my first site about five years ago. At first, I used the free hosting platform Infinityfree that has multiple limitations and was unavailable from time to time, then I moved to cheap Hostbudget hosting. It was really awesome. All that tools for managing e-mail, instaling software in one click, SEO, and so on […]
Data Science and Market
I finished another course by HarvardX on EdX. The second course was about data visualization and has two parts. The first part is about general rules for data visualization (like avoid pie charts and use the same axes for data comparison etc.). The second part is about ggplot2 package in R. I should say it’s […]
Data Science and Books
Last week I completed R basic course on EdX by Harvard University. It is not as challenging as John Hopnins’es course, but well-organized and with lots of examples. The only bad thing happened at the end of the course when they raised the certificate price from 49 to 149 dollars. At first, I was sure […]
Investing in Bonds Course
On this week I passed the final exam at Bonds course and got my certificate from Coursera. This course, to be honest, was just a waste of time. Prof. Stolyarov just read the basic things about bond types and focused the entire course on solving problems about bond pricing and yield to maturity values.
Financial Markets Course
I’ve just finished the Financial Markets and Institutions online course by the Higher School of Economics. Before it, I tried Yale University course that had rather a bad production with professor talking with students in a bar with poor sound. Higher School of Economics course has a clear structure, lots of tasks and examples. Production […]
Software for Bootstrap
Just after PHP course on Udemy I’ve started to learn Bootstrap. That’s a nice set of tools for quick web page creation. You can use ready classes for html elements, make cool navigation bars and even use javascript functions for simple actions. After playing with css manually I can assure you that Bootstrap is extremely […]
PHP Course
Well, I’ve just finished PHP course from Udemy.com and I could tell you it was interesting. This very blog, in fact is a result of the course, so I have some skills now. Of course, it’s not my first time dealing with php. I have already created fully functioned site, so there were no any breakthrough ideas for […]
PHP soft
The first benefit of my new online course was to get to know software for programming. Previously I’ve been using Notepad++ for code editing and run PHP files on the hosting server. The issue here is the cumbersome process of copying the file to the server and then running web pages there because PHP is […]
Level up
New step to the foreign culture!Can you really see the difference in my skills?