Before the trip to Kyev I passed all doctors and tests and was ready for the third blood donation, however, I absolutely forgot that Nov 5th is not a working day and the Sklif blood transfusion department is closed.
Meanwhile, I found another three centers that work on Saturday, In two of them, were no free slots available, but in Hospital 52 no booking exist and I decided to try and go there on Nov 6.
This center is very different from Sklif. They have a separate entrance for donors and everithing is more compact.

In the beginning, you need to fill four forms about your current health state and to agree to a blood test and personal information processing. Then you need to stay in a long line to the check-in desk. I arrived a quarter-hour before opening and was waiting for about half an hour there because some people arrived even earlier.
After they got your personal information and check that you don’t have any circumstances preventing you from donating, you go to the lab. As soon as you get your results a doctor is examining you. It was also very different from Sklif. My doctor didn’t care about my urine test or local therapist papers, but he examine my veins carefully to make sure that I am not a drug addict. Then he was interested in why I didn’t serve in the army, at last, he gave up and gave me a green light to go to a buffet before the donation. There everything was very nice: cozy chairs, no old woman to distribute cookies – you can eat as much as you want
After the tea and cookies, I finally have my chair in the transfusion room and they took my 450 ml of blood.