Category: Activism

5 posts have been filed under this category.


The first time I’ve heard about Navalny was the article in 2010 that he demanded to punish Putin for flying BE-200 without pilot license. And I was astonisched the way he chose to undermine state propaganda. Since that time I’ve read his blog and saw how he developed from bloger and local activist to a […]


As a last cutrual place in Astana I visited Republic Museum. And I could say that the most of exposition is dull and useless. Museum has a very poor navigation and doesn’t tell the story. However, the part about Soviet period and Art sections really impressed me.

3rd Blood Donation

Before the trip to Kyev I passed all doctors and tests and was ready for the third blood donation, however, I absolutely forgot that Nov 5th is not a working day and the Sklif blood transfusion department is closed. Meanwhile, I found another three centers that work on Saturday, In two of them, were no […]

Parliament election

My first experience as an observer happened ten years ago in 2011. It was really bracing experience that changed my attitude towards government and mass media.Since then many things changed, I have much less time to spare now and election was stretched for three days making it more challenging to observe.

Blood donation

For a long time, I was thinking that people already found a way to make artificial leather, diamonds, and blood. It turns out that with blood I was wrong. In my previous job, I’ve met with couple guys who were regular donors and they told me about the constant demand for all types of blood. […]