Some time ago I was asked how I feel about a business trip to Kyiv for a couple of months. I had nothing against it and started long negotiations. In the end, we agreed that I will spend in Ukraine entire 2022 year. My family supported this move and we started hard preparations for this move.
On Nov 8 there was the first step, and I arrived in Kyiv to prepare all papers and find an apartment. In this post, I’m going to tell you about the trip itself.
I decided to reach the airport by public transport and regretted it very much. I have no idea why everywhere you need to climb on stairs with heavy luggage without any elevators.

Vnukovo airport was almost empty with flights mostly to Istambul so all formalities didn’t take much time. Onboard everything went well until the moment when a drunk passenger decided to flirt with a girl nearby. She wasn’t very happy about it and complained to flight attendants. By this time airplane was ready to take off. But instead of that, we drove to a cargo terminal where I saw well-known Volga-Dnepr planes

It took the airport about an hour and a half to get the police, trap, and find this drunk man’s luggage. But at last crew informed him that all expenses would be upon him and he finally left the airplane.

The rest of the flight was nice and smooth: I enjoyed the skies, meal, and movies. I finally saw the Luca movie by Pixar.
At Istambul airport, I had a hard time trying to catch my plane to Kyiv. But I did the transfer in 20 minutes and got my seat in three minutes before the door closed. It was my first flight in 787-9, my current project by the way.

In Kyiv, I spent about two hours in the airport because I had worked as a purpose for the visit, and there were a dozen of Kenyan guys who also distracted officers on their cases. During the interview, everything was nice and polite. I answered several questions but is nothing compared with an interview in Amsterdam on the way to the US. At last they checked me in all that databases and I stepped on Ukrainian soil.