Category: History

9 posts have been filed under this category.

Königstein Fortress

While it is still warm outside, we decided to spend some time outside and visit Festung Königstein (Königstein Fortress). We took the S-Bahn from Dresden and in forty minutes found ourselves in Königstein town. There is no public transport from the train station to the fortress so we walked through the forest and reached the […]

BMW Museum

In August the weather is to hot for working, so I decided to take a couple days for vacation to go to Bavaria. In my mind Bavaria is the city of Oktoberfest and BMW plant. In summer time only the second one is available. Therefore, we went to BMW museum as soon as arrived to […]

Bautzner Str. Memorial

After the WWII eastern part of Germany was under Soviet occupation. After Nazi regime collapsed, new vision for the country was required and Stalin decided that another copy of Soviet system would do well and began to build totalitarian system. And what a dictator you are without political prisons?

One year of the War

It’s hard to forget the morning of Feb 24, 2022 in Kyiv. The loud burst, the noise of neighbours dashing around the apartments, BBC web site with news about Russian invasion to Ukraine. After it was the endless traffic jam on the road from Kyiv with brave Ukrainian soldiers rushing in the opposite direction to […]

War museum in Minsk

It would be very strange to live in the Planeta hotel, right across the Victory park and not to visit the Museum of War. I’ve been several times in such places in different countries but amid the Russian invasion in Ukraine the entire exhibition become extremely actual and modern.


On Feb 24 we woke up at 5.45 because of a sudden loud noise. We had a construction work nearby and at first I thought something went wrong there. But it turned out that my country decided to attack Ukraine with no reason for it.

Babi Yar

I’m renting the apartment in Kyiv near Dorohozhychi metro station where the notorious place is located. Today I have some time to walk there in daylight. The place of the massacre during world war two is now a huge site with several monuments separated by Illienka street.

Bolsheviks’ revolution centennial

The perception of the events happened hundred years ago in St Petersburg, Russia, changed several times in Russia. During the Soviet times it was an imminent victory of communism, next stage of society development after capitalism.  After USSR collapse, Russian authorities considered revolution as a huge disaster for entire nation. Current government is now willing […]

Daylight savings time

In Europe today is the end of daylight saving time. They are moving clocks one hour backward and will enjoy a long night’s sleep. There are a lot of pros and cons in the world around this topic. Historians tell us that author of this clock-changing idea, then US ambassador in French, Ben Franklin made […]