
This weekend we visited city Pirna not far from Dresden. History of this city bagan from fortress mentioned in 1269. In different time it belongs to Bohemia, Prussia and Saxony. In 19th sentury it became an industrial city. Among all sandstone mined here was used in houses building all across the region: from Dresden and Hamburd to Berlin and Denmark.

Todays city ais very peacful an lovely. With a lot on shops, selling clothes and souvenirs. Market square is surrounded by the old buildings and and looks marvelous. A lot of bildings are decorated with sculptures and city looks like a museum under the skyes

Another location is the fortress. Now there located a museum, a concert hall with luxurious restaurant and a Biergarten, where you can enjoy the views on the city and cold bier.

And, finally, Elba river embarkment is facinating, with a lot of playgrounds, benches and flowerbeds. I have now idea why in Dresden embarkment is so poor, but in Pirna they did a really good job making it comfortable and nice place.


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