Category: World

24 posts have been filed under this category.


I arrived to Russia on Sep 9 to apply for a German visa and complete some urgent business. And once again I underestimated Russian government. I thought it is so unpopular that Putin with his idea of stability will never cross the line.

Babi Yar

I’m renting the apartment in Kyiv near Dorohozhychi metro station where the notorious place is located. Today I have some time to walk there in daylight. The place of the massacre during world war two is now a huge site with several monuments separated by Illienka street.

Move to Kyiv

Some time ago I was asked how I feel about a business trip to Kyiv for a couple of months. I had nothing against it and started long negotiations. In the end, we agreed that I will spend in Ukraine entire 2022 year. My family supported this move and we started hard preparations for this […]

Censorship and VPN

In Russia goverment is trying to control everything: from oil production and pasta price to information. During the first Putin’s term he destroyed independent TV. It was explained as a fight against oligrachs, that controled media. As a result state controls all TV channels now and there is no place for Kremlin critics there.

Public space

On Saturday private spacecraft SpaceX Drago launched from Kennedy Space Center two astronauts into space. Now the US has its own spacecraft to reach the international space station and don’t need to pay Russia huge money for use of our rockets

Catch 22

Yesterday was the Victory Day in Russia when Nazi’s Germany surrendered. We decided to look at the war from another point of view and watch American movie Catch 22.

Chickens vs Viruses

I was listening another episode of Planet Money podcast recently and was surprised that most vaccines are made using chicken eggs. There are several secret labs across the US that grow chickens in a great number to be able to get thousands of eggs in case of any virus outbeak.

Trash or comfort?

Greenpeace Russia launched a campaign to convince  largest retailer reduced number of plastic bags used for selling products. Their goal is to replace disposable bags and products packaging with reusable alternatives. Well, I’m  not happy at all to take a metal flack to supermarket to buy some milk. Or to take fruits in my own fabric bag. […]

Daylight savings time

In Europe today is the end of daylight saving time. They are moving clocks one hour backward and will enjoy a long night’s sleep. There are a lot of pros and cons in the world around this topic. Historians tell us that author of this clock-changing idea, then US ambassador in French, Ben Franklin made […]

Food and Money. Big Money

I was surprised another day to hear from my wife that cholesterol in eggs is a pretty healthy thing according to a recent study. Actually, such studies appear every year, but before turning to the recent one, let’s go to the history of the relationship between science and the food industry.