On Saturday private spacecraft SpaceX Drago launched from Kennedy Space Center two astronauts into space. Now the US has its own spacecraft to reach the international space station and don’t need to pay Russia huge money for use of our rockets
I think it’s a great example that people could achieve astonishing results without government. For a long time, it was a truth that yes, private companies are more effective than state-owned companies, but for huge projects like Space exploration, we need governments with their unlimited money and human recourses capacity.
However, Elon Musk proved the opposite. It is governments who need private-sector innovations, talents, and products. Now in the US government relies on private companies in achieving their goals in space. Unfortunately, in Russia, it’s not true. Putin’s government builds more and more gigantic state-owned companies leaving no room for middle and small businesses. It’s hard to say for sure but it looks like we are moving along the wrong path.