I wrote back in December about my paticipation in COVID-19 vaccine trial. Since then I am in weekly contact with my doctor, and nothing serious happens except first days temperature. Meanwhile, I have a lot things to do in public places which have been postponed since last March. So, I decided to take a test […]
Tag: World
14 posts have been filed under this tag.
Daylight savings time
In Europe today is the end of daylight saving time. They are moving clocks one hour backward and will enjoy a long night’s sleep. There are a lot of pros and cons in the world around this topic. Historians tell us that author of this clock-changing idea, then US ambassador in French, Ben Franklin made […]
Food and Money. Big Money
I was surprised another day to hear from my wife that cholesterol in eggs is a pretty healthy thing according to a recent study. Actually, such studies appear every year, but before turning to the recent one, let’s go to the history of the relationship between science and the food industry.
Organs donation
I’ve read today in a book about organ donation in the US. It turns out that they have a special place in driver’s licenses where they can agree to organ donation after death. But the default option in the US is your refusal for donation. As a result, about 20 thousand people are dying every […]