No changes

The last time I visited the state medical facility about 5 years ago and still have bitter feelings about it. However we are regularly going with the son to the pediatrician office in a state medical center, and there is not perfect, but conditions are rather decent. So, I decided to visit my adult center for HIV and lung tests.

It took me three days, and I still in the middle of the road. On the first day, I visited the therapist to get prescriptions for tests. But she gave me a blood test prescription only. For lung test appointments, you need to stay on a long line to the “Nurse in charge” office. She made an appointment on the other day to a local hospital about five miles from the center. Then I was waiting for about an hour for a blood test.

The next day I went for a lung check and everything went smoothly except severe traffic jams.

The most astonishing thing for me was the test results time. It takes them 10 working days to know your HIV results. In the private lab, it also took then some time last time I’ve been there but may be 2 or 3 days.

On Thursday I went to get results and lost another half an hour near the “Nurse in charge” office only to find out that the blood test is not ready. So I need to go there again for results.

Lung test results are rather funny. They cut the old form and wrote on the backside my name and address and put a stamp “No changes”. And there is no other information, not doctors, name, neither hospital credential, nor check name.

The only conclusion I could make is there are no changes in the health care system and the only way they are dealing with illnesses is playing with a statistic to bring diseases counts to the required numbers. Next time I better go to a private lab and save tons of time and nerves.

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