Category: Data Science

3 posts have been filed under this category.

COVID-19 in Russia

When I see statistics of COVID-19 spreading in Russia it’s really hard to say what’s going on. So, I decided to look at things differently and show infected people rate instead of absolute number.

Data Science and Market

I finished another course by HarvardX on EdX. The second course was about data visualization and has two parts. The first part is about general rules for data visualization (like avoid pie charts and use the same axes for data comparison etc.). The second part is about ggplot2 package in R. I should say it’s […]

Data Science and Books

Last week I completed R basic course on EdX by Harvard University. It is not as challenging as John Hopnins’es course, but well-organized and with lots of examples. The only bad thing happened at the end of the course when they raised the certificate price from 49 to 149 dollars. At first, I was sure […]