Category: Money

14 posts have been filed under this category.

Financial Markets Course

I’ve just finished the Financial Markets and Institutions online course by the Higher School of Economics. Before it, I tried Yale University course that had rather a bad production with professor talking with students in a bar with poor sound. Higher School of Economics course has a clear structure, lots of tasks and examples. Production […]

Land to the Peasants!

Navalny has just launched his another campain against Vladimir Putin. In his “5 steps” program he is demanding to pay each adult in Russia for 20 000 roubles (about 270 USD), to nullify utilities bill for all households and to spend about two trillions of roubles for small busyness support.

Statistics fan

I’m listening Financial markets course on Coursera platform and decided to make some math for russian market. However, results looks rather strange. At first I tried to figure out what data to use for risk and profit calculation. Averaging by month eliminates peaks, and make grath much smoother.

Big Sales!

Flat world is recovering it borders to slow down coronavirus spread and avia industry is greatly suffering from decline in travelling. For Boeing company that struggles to return its 737Max fleet back to the service this decline is a double blow. As a result market price for BA shares drops 70% to 100 dollars