Tag: personal

33 posts have been filed under this tag.

Software for Bootstrap

Just after PHP course on Udemy I’ve started to learn Bootstrap. That’s a nice set of tools for quick web page creation. You can use ready  classes for html elements, make cool navigation bars and even use javascript functions for simple actions. After playing with css manually I can assure you that Bootstrap is extremely […]

Bones analysis

The topic I’d really liked on passed MSC conference was about simulation of loads in human bones. The issue here is relating to different properties  of natural materials in distinguished directions and in various parts of the item. For example, tooth consist of extremely strong enamel and tough dentine. First is good for routine chewing activity due […]

Heat lovers

During my first busyness trip to the US, I was really surprised how people there are walking in winter in T-shirts along the streets.  I tried to convince myself that there were just short walks from car to home or office, but that was not only just about Americans outside. In hotel suite and the […]

Blue or pink?

Про бег

В прошлое воскресенье открыл сезон на Московском полумарафоне с временем 1.41. Видно что организаторы забега работают над ошибками и с каждым разом у них получается все лучше и лучше. Ну а сегодня сделал уже полноценную пробежку в Вашингтоне (который штат). Тут попадаются потрясающе красивые тропинки, где никто ни то что не бегает, но даже не […]

Bakhmetovo Lake



It’s wonderful to be in a breutiful beech in a warm, friendly country. Even better to be there with the most beautiful girl


Moving from place to place is always thrilling. And each time you have more and more belonnings

Moscow Marathon

like a Kenian!