Last Friday I saw an advertisement in browser that the third phase anti-COVID vaccine is staring soon and they are looking for volunteers. I followed a link and found out that it’s a Chinese vaccine of CanSino Biologics company.

I’m palnning to go in Kaliningrag for NY and there would be a lot of contacts with people who are not willing to keep social distance or wearing masks. From the other hand I know many friends, colleagues and relatives, who got the virus and were suffering form the consequences.
Russian vaccine Sputnik-V maybe works the same as Chinese one. But currently it is not awailible for a general public and I think they would be able to produce enough doses at least half a year from now. Moreover, there are so many questions to Sputnik. The third phase of trial is still in progress, there are mo publications in journals to back it safety and efficiency.
That is why, I didn’t hesitate much and send my contacts as a volunteer. The very same day they called me back and after standard general questions, invited me to take a shot of vaccine (or palcebo) on Saturday.
I arrived to Central Clylical Hospital of Russian Academy of Science at noon and found parking lot nead the fence. The hostital is huge, but they put plenty signs to make navigation easy

In the building for trial there were about dousens of people. They gave me in a couple minutes a thick document with all information about vaccine.It is a well-written document where I found all the answers. It’s very nice, that company hired Canadian institute to conduct the study.

After I read all the chapters, they took blood samples, measured temperature, weight, height, blood pressure and blood saturation level. After it, they give me a vaccine (or placebo – there is even chances in the study) and I went for a shot

That evening I felt little discomfort in the place of shot and on Sunday temperature raised to 37.5 degrees celius, so looks like I got a real vaccine.
In a study they are going to check anthibody level in my blood after twelve month, but I am going to take a test in january to find out was it vaccine and does in work