The feeing I had after Hamas attack on Israel was sympathy to palestinian people. Of course, I’m talking not about radicals who rule the Gaza stripe, but about ordinary people, that even could not escape war nightmare.
It is hard to say now who is to be blamed in this conflict. Maybe UN with England who founded Israel after World War II. Or muslim fanatics, who spend all the money for weapon purchase to fight with Israel, but relly on interntional funds for food supply. Or judish nationalists, who keeps expanding Israel borders, including proclaming Jerusalim its own city against international agreements.
But at the end of the day we have billions of people who are living in Gaza under Hamas control. They have no job to earn money, they have no chances to leave this place and now they are sufering from the lacjlknof water, food electricity and from shelling they homes by Israely army.
As in case of Russian agression against Ukraine, UN has no solution for the current crisis. For me it is clear that UN should launch military operarion and root out all extremists from Gaza, then it should be a long process of establishing democratic institutes on Palestinian territories. But, obviously UN is broken and teared aside by internal conflicts
Western unity
It’s funny to read news that Germany support Israel and will fight with pro-Palestinial demonstration. Officially it’s a opinion freedom in wesrern countries. But here is another example how lopsided the view on the conflict is.