
Federal Bailiffs Service is a fail of entire Russian government. I’ve never experience such a bad management and I hope I will never deal with them in future. Why am I angry? – Everything began a year ago…


I was driving to Saratov to get my wife home from in-laws. Road from Tambov to Borisokoglebsk has one lane in each direction and all the way you need to overtake trucks with speed of 40 km/h. Sometimes it’s a real challenge when several cars are following these trucks unwilling to take a risk of overtaking. So you need to overtake a long chain on cars. One by one. On top of this on the most part of the road it is forbidden to overtake. So you constantly need to monitor oncoming traffic, forbidden signs, chain of cars behind the track say nothing about regular pedestrian crossings, speed limits and so on. At one of the attempts to overtake a long chain of a very slow track I underestimate distance and cross the solid line on the road passing three cars at once. Not far from this place a traffic police was waiting for me. They obviously wanted a bribe but I refused to move in their car so I got a case againts me for traffic rule violation.


My legal address is in Taganrog, so court hearings were without me and I found afterwards that court decided to fine me on 5000 rubbles. It’s possible to pay just a half if you do it within one month. But I didn’t know identification number. Court has one month to publish their decision nut they did it later, so I had no choice but to pay full fine. After the paiment confirmation message came to gosuslugi website

It looks like the end of the story, but it is not.


In April I got another message that my fine was not paid and not case passed to bailiffs.

They usually give you some time to pay voluntarily and then requests you bank account information and send order to bank to charge you with required sum. So I decided to act quickly and write a message through gosuslugi form with attached receipt. The next day I decided to call bailiff and explain the case. But nobody answered me. Later I realized that entire service has a serious problem with phone communication. I reach the office in Taganrog and got another phone number. It works better, at least another bailiff answered me that Radchenko, the guy I need, is out of office. I called them every day for several times for three weeks but answer was the same.

At last I decided to complain and called his supervisor, but nobody answered me. Then I found  hotline number on official website with information that they solved hundreds of thousands issues for the past year.

Could you imagine my surprise when i heard the message “Phone is switched off or out of the coverage”?! “Report a corruption” hotline doesn’t work either. After it I gave up and just kept calling the bailiff who replied me every day that Radchenko out o office.

Fortunately, I got a message after a month that my case passed to another bailiff – Nekrasova. I called her wit no success, then got another number at Taganrog branch and finally reached her by phone. She told me that she has no assess to my message via gosuslugi and gave me another email to send my receipt. I did so and in a week the case was closed!

End of the story? – I very hope so!


Now I know that best way to deal with Federal Bailiffs Service is to write than an official physical letter and after a month go to Attorney and to Court.

Maybe officers are a good fellows, but their processes and the way they address complains are horrible.



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